In the back part of the castle (relative to the cathedral) is a residential area where first guards and later artists (including Franz Kafka and Alfons Mucha) lived. |
Prague 2007 or the 7th lustrum of the "Jaarclub Gargarenses"
In 1972 Diederik started college. A group (Jaarclub = group of people that started college the same year) of very good friends formed and they still get together every year for dinner (although Diederik doesn't attend those being so far away). But every 5 years they have a big reunion for several days, usually in a different country. The 35 year reunion (7th lustrum, with lustrum being a Latin term for a 5 year period) was in Prague in October 2007 with most spouses/partners also attending. This page is split in two parts. First pictures from the group. Then a second part with some pictures of Prague.
The first pictures shows the group. |
Nico Ab Pier Diederik Otto Erik Egbert Evert
Then follow several more pictures taken at various times. Typcally without a caption. |
Margriet (Evert's spouse) Marlies Janneke (Pier's spouse) (Egbert's spouse) |
Some of us taking a break at the foot of the Prague Castle. |
Roely (Nico's spouse) Truusje (Ab's partner) |
Part 2, Prague
Prague is a beautiful old town that while it has seen many wars and occuparions has survived very well. The first six pictures give an impression of the center of the Old Town with the Old Town Hall and is Astronimical Clock. |
Prague Castel is where at some point in time the Emperor or the King lived, although it is dominated by the Saint Vitus Cathedral. I have not managed to find the right spot to take a good picture of the outside of the cathedral; there are too many buildings around it. But the following pictures give you a glimps of the outside, two pictures of the inside, two pictures from the top the Great Tower on the side of the cathedral and finally a picture of the Great Tower itself with the cathedral hidden behind it. |
In the back part of the castle (relative to the cathedral) is a residential area where first guards and later artists (including Franz Kafka and Alfons Mucha) lived. |
Until the holocaust, Prague had a lively Jewish Quarter. Now it is effectively a museum. The first picture is the Ceremonial Hall and the second picture is from the cemetery. The cemetery is very high above ground level; everytime it was fulll, a new layer of dirt would be brought in and used for new burrials. The tomb markers would be transferred up to the new surface, so it appears very crowded. |
Finally two pictures of miscellaneous structures that were just to pretty not to include them here. The 15th century Powder Tower And it's neighbour the Municipal House which is now a concert hall. |